
written and illustrated by Arshia Deep

Where magical creatures stay and play.

Where clouds tickle your neck.

Where time flows forever;

Where sadness becomes happiness.

Where dreams never end:


Arshia Deep is 10 years old and a student of class IV in USA. She enjoys Maths and Science, art & craft and reading. She loves nature and animals.


poem by Ritika Garg

illustration by Samridhi Shukla

There was once a boy named BOO,

Who had trouble tying his shoe;

He said to a box,

I’ll walk in my socks:

Now all his friends do that too!

Ritika Garg is 7 years old. She studies in Class II in USA. She enjoys painting and swimming.

Samridhi Shukla is 9 years old. She is a student of Class IV in New Delhi, India. She enjoys reading, drawing & painting and swimming.


by Karan Taneja

Mangoes are ripe,
But not too bright.
They hang on trees,
But fall down due to the breeze.
When they fall down,
I go to the ground.
I pick them up,
And eat them all up.
Summer is coming to an end,
So I call all my friends.
“Come on! Come on!” I say,
“Eat them all up while it is day”!

Karan Taneja is 10 years old. He is a student of class V in New Delhi, India. He loves reading and sports.


by Sanmay Moitra

A dragonfly

Flies in the sky;

Always high:

Always in front of the eye.

A dragonfly is never shy,

Or sly.

So, when are you going to meet

your next dragonfly?

Sanmay Moitra is 8 years old. He is a student of class III at Delhi Public School, NCR Gurgaon, India. He loves to play and watch cricket, playing the musical keyboard, swimming and reading story books in English and Hindi.


Elizabeth Blackwell: The First Woman Doctor

by Aranyani Swami

Elizabeth Blackwell lived in an attic;

When nothing was automatic.

She became the first woman doctor

Even though boys mocked her.

Opened her clinic,

Helped poor people in it,

Delivered babies,

Gave shots for rabies!

Opened her school,

It was way too cool,

She wrote a book,

I wonder how long it took,

Elizabeth Blackwell,

born 3rd February 1821, died 31st May 1910,

An inspiration for all women!

Aranyani Swami is seven and half years old. She is a student of  class III in Sanskriti School, New Delhi, India. She likes reading, public speaking, creating stories and writing poems.


by Aditi Tripathi

Bees live in hives;

When they find a flower, they start to jive.

They want honey

In their tummy.

They think honey

Is lots of money.

They are small flying creatures

And have many features.

Bees live in hives;

When they find a flower, they start to jive.

Aditi Tripathi wrote the poem when she was 8 years old. She is 11 years old and a student of  Class VI at  Sanskriti School, New Delhi, India. Her hobbies are reading, watching movies, dancing, swimming and creative writing.

My Little Puppy

poem by Meghna Goel; illustrated by Ananya Arvind

My little puppy is a very cute one;

In my life she brings great fun.

She is my darling; her name is Daisy;

She’s very very active, and never lazy.

She hates to be cleaned when she gets messy.

Her winter coat is red, and very dressy!

She comes running whenever I call;

And I know she loves me best of all!

Meghna Goel is 11 years old. She is a student of class VI in New Delhi, India. She loves stories, music, arts and crafts.

Ananya Arvind is 11 years old. She is a student of class VII in Chennai, India. She is learning Bharatnatyam and loves drawing and painting.


poem and illustration by Arshia Deep    

She is like the petal on a rose,

She is like the feather on a wing;

She is like the leaf of a tree,

She is like the roots that go down deep;

She is like the wind up ahead,

She is the greatest of all;

She can outdo us all,

She is surely the best mom of all!

Arshia Deep is 10 years old. She is a student of Class IV in USA. She likes Maths and Science, crafts, drawing and painting. She loves nature and animals.

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